Hips: 2:3
Elbows: 0:0
BVA Eyes: Clear April 2024
PRA: Clear
CNM: Clear by Parentage
EIC: Clear
SD2: Clear
HNPK: Clear
DNA Profiled ISAG2006 Standard
D.O.B: 20.01.15
Ed is proving to be everyone's best friend and he shows a real willingness too please. He has completed several seasons picking up out on the shoot getting lots of experience on runners and he was short listed in the Gamekeepers Ring at Crufts in March 2017. A traditional looking labrador that works in all terrain, jumps and swims strongly. You will find it difficult not to encounter one of his pups out working on the local shoots in Norfolk. Puts his stamp on the pups. He is also the sire of Rishi Sunak's bitch Nova presently living in No. 10 Downing Street.
He is the kindest of dogs with both a super temperament and fantastic conformation which he is passing on to his puppies as well as having his health tests in place.
For stud enquiries please telephone 07836319987 or email jillyparsons@aol.com.
Stud Fee On Request. Progesterone Blood Testing is preferred. Payment of stud fee on first successful mating and tie. One free return is available if the bitch is not in pup. Side by side insemination will only be carried out if the bitch is progesterone tested ready. The costs for AI are available on request and is payable direct to the clinic.